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Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Enero, 2020


MY 2020

                                                                                          In   2020 B LESSED woman                 MY TOP 5          Have a strong relationship with God Have good relationship with my brother and sister in Christ love my studies  be responsible  keep my commitment          My GOAL for 2020  to become MUSICIAN      IN  2020  I WILL stribe to fight my emotion and Get better to my family,and friend Try to be matured enough. Make difference by trusting my self and to promise to achieve my goal and help to ministry for JESUS.   BEST MEMORY IN 2019 I had my best memory in my 2019 and that time is my 19th birthday it was my first time to have my birthday cake and have a simple celebration it makes me overwhelm even i celebrate without my family👪 but i have my friend in Christ who great me. I'm so emotional that time because of the my family in Christ they sh


  E veryone in the world have an idol in their life. idol is someone that you admire so much. maybe a singer, an actor a basketball player or a model. for me my mother is my idol since the day i was born. she is forty five years old. she has become a good mother for her children. she really love is  children.                                                                       MY IDOL She looks like angle for me. my mother is really beautiful with her brown skin, she sometime look funny has a slanting eye and black short hair she has chubby body and medium height, she more look beautiful with her hair craft although she is beginning to get wrinkles round her eyes, but she still the most beautiful woman for me. In 2017, my father  passed away. we were so sad. she becomes a single parent mother work as housekeeping to survive our life alone.she has also work i canning factory. she work full time and gives her children what ever they need whenever they need it. she is t


                                                                                                    My hero    M y hero is JESUS because first Jesus took away my worries (He replace my worries with pray Phil 4:) Second is   JESUS brought a peace to my daily life. Third  JESUS made me real. Forth JESUS Though me not to fear. Fifth JESUS brought me into a community of His saint and the last is JESUS   died on the cross for my sin He only can give me the way for the truth and the life, I have many reason why JESUS is my hero i just cant explain it, i don't see him face to face but i feel his presence and i fill that He is always watching over me, take care of me, save me from disgrace and also LOVE me unconditionally     He is MIGHTY, HOLY, KING, FATHER the savior the WAY, TRUTH  and the LIFE. with my hero JESUS I can do all things through HIM who STRENGTHEN ME.  All through his life he was made fun of, beaten, tortured, tempted, and more. However, he never did anything back


                                                 Although a small innocent creative Jane is a little "bundle of fun" she is "sweetest thing" you will never find and find and definitely one of the kind! Jane is really to get along and and when is her  you just want to let go of her! if anyone can bring out a smile is Jane   If your name is Jane consider it honor because you will achieve a lot in life and make a lot of people happy! ever though Jane is small, simple her beautiful. face and amazing personality makes size and not count always up of dirty talk. Jane is sure to send you away with great memories and Krimy  mean  GOD GIFT. real talk my mother get the name krimy in word ICE CREAM.   


MALACOCOBAN FESTIVAL           Do not let look of this sleepy town fool you, life may be simple but this town has a rich history and a proud tradition. inhabited by Christian, Muslim as well as indigenous people of sarangani, Malapatan is a great illustration of love different religion belief can harmoniously co-exist. it also have a famous Blaan dreamvavess who craft sleeping mate using the design they have. Malapatan has plantation rice and corn field and many people are also fisherman. The Blaan name the place "M ala" (pepper) and "Fatan" means (wait place). Pepper about the place during the 5th century.    Malapatan cosline is fortified with mangoes forest and several sits. agriculture is also a leading industry of the town.Worth it proxenity to the capital town of alabel and general santos city. Malapatan is ideal suburb for those who want to experience of service, but exciting life.visitor can explore the pasalubong center example the "tinagtag&
THE HEROES WE NEVER NAME THE HEROES WE NEVER NAME  Back of the men we honor Enrolled on the scroll of fame, Are the millions who go unmentioned - The heroes we never name! Those who have won us the victories, And conquered along the way; Those who have made us a nation - A tribute to them I would pay. Back of our nation's first leader, Of Lincoln and Wilson, too, Back of the mind directing our course Was the army that carried it through. Back of the generals and captains Was the tramping of rank and file, And back of them were the ones at home Who labored with tear and with smile. And What of the "everyday" heroes Whose courage and efforts ne'er cease! Toilers who struggle and labor and strive And hope for a future of peace? Hats off to the worthy leaders; Their honor I'd ever acclaim - But here's a cheer for the many brave, The heroes we never name. By M. Lucille Ford